♦ Humidity is one of four primary variables which must be controlled during egg incubation - the others being temperature, ventilation and movement (or turning). NOTE* 50-70% of humidity needed.
♣ Humidity is the most difficult of the four to measure accurately and control and therefore is commonly misunderstood.
♠ The operator instructions that accompany all incubators give guidelines to achieve correct humidity levels for most species under normal conditions and in most cases this gives excellent results so please check that you have followed these guide lines.
♥ However there are times when incorrect humidity levels do cause problems and further steps are needed to check that humidity levels are correct.
• This information sheet explains the effect of different humidity levels, measurement of humidity and the best techniques for achieving correct humidity levels.
◘ Before spending time and effort checking incubation humidity levels it essential to ensure that temperature and egg turning are correct - refer to the unit’s operating instructions.
◙ Also check that the eggs are fertile and the parent stock healthy, properly fed and free from in-breeding.
http://www.theselfsufficienthomeacre.com/ http://poultryathome.co.uk/